Sunday, May 14, 2017

Haiku #14 Mama's-day (sounds like Namaste)

Mother's Day.  An epic day and a source of mixed emotions for all.  I think it was while I was sitting beside my 6 yr old daughter this afternoon, as she struggled with a bad tummy ache that has taken everything out of her,  that I realized being a mom is not for the weak. There are no breaks.

My sweet husband worked REALLY hard today to take over for as much as possible but I was still bathing children and barely getting a shower in before church started in 40 minutes. And, my oldest, got sick still and needed me to stay by her and to read or talk to her. My 9 month old baby still cried whenever I left the room and demanded I come get her.  

Now, my husband did SO much today, but the truth of it is that mommy-ing never really ends. (this goes for parenting in general). Things do change, but it never really lets up. Children just change ages and need different things. Take for instance when I was super sick and my husband was at work and my mother in law came to sit with me while I felt awful, just because she knew I needed someone.  Or the times I needed to talk because life seemed to be falling apart, and I called my mom. Moms are needed. True it can be tiring and often I find myself feeling exhausted and burned out, but like any relationship, I am learning how to give and love my children the way they need to be loved. Now, I believe there must be a balance in all things (hence mama's day sounding like the word namaste.) But, being a mom is an occupation I won't be retiring from someday.  Every woman knows what it is like to sacrifice for a child whether their own child or not, and that is what is means to be a mom or a dad.

The above picture is one of my mother's day presents.  I am extremely proud of it.  Mostly because through the toil and difficult times of being a mom, my girls still see the good in me.  It might not always be like this, but I can keep doing my best and maybe they will keep seeing me like Wonder Woman. And maybe I will get some hot boots like her to feel the part!

by Kate Cowan

This is getting hard.
I can't make it go away,
but I am right here.

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