DISCLAIMER: This is just my opinion and you don't have to love it. I just wanted to stand on my literary soap box for the duration of one post.
Let's go back a little.
A good friend of mine first told me about this great book called Twilight. It wasn't popular yet and all I heard was that is was about vampires and my friend thought I would really like it. (I guess it is because I love Halloween so much).
Well, my friend was correct. The book was a bit trite at times, but I enjoyed it and it was a classic example of young adult fiction. Then came the other books. New Moon and Eclipse soon followed. I found them entertaining and though the books spent way too much time with the luke warm love story, I found myself totally fascinated by the "father figure" vampire named Carlisle. He was a converted vampire that changed his ways and not only abstained from drinking blood, but worked as a doctor. Wow, to me that was a cool character. Someone who totally flipped from one direction to another.
Anyway, so far, things had been interesting, but I was the only person in the world who thought Bella should not be a vampire. I thought it was an unfair move. Then, the last book Breaking Dawn came out. I bought one copy for my mom and I to share. She read it first.
I told my mom, I have to know if Bella becomes a vampire because if she does, I won't read it. Sorry for the spoiler but my mom (and many others) told me the whole book and disgusted, I vowed never to pick up the thing. Meyer had sold out.
Yes, you may judge my ignorance. But I stand by my decision. And I ask....Do you know what makes a good story? Sacrifice. What made Harry Potter good? It wasn't the Quidditch or the spells. It was the sacrifice that Harry had to make, losing those he loved for a greater cause. Even he had to sacrifice himself in the end.
What did Bella have to do in these books? Nothing, but be a indecisive, impulsive girl. She never really grew up. And the elements that made the story interesting (i.e. Carlisle) were shoved aside for a ridiculous love story that in my opinion sets a bad example for young adults and adults alike. Some might argue that Meyer did a great thing by having Bella and Edward wait till they were married to have sex, but I still think there was a little too much angsty lusting for a young adult book that millions of kids from elementary school to high school were immersed in.
Now the movie is coming out and everyone is all a buzz about this "epic" love story on screen. All I have to say is that I have no desire to pay good money to see bad actors have sex.
I know this may sound harsh. Believe me, there were some things that I really liked about the books. I really liked the first book, but sadly, they slowly slipped downhill till now we are left with nothing substantial at all.
My recommendation... read the first book and stop there.
I HEARTILY agree. Well said Kate. I love that you pointed out the element of sacrifice - because it really is present in every classic/well-written novel. I LOVE you and miss you!!!
Wow, yep! That sounds about like my experience too! Enjoyed the first one, pretty much hated the rest. But I DID read them all, cause I had to. I'm OCD! I agree with all of your points! The other thing that really killed me was the fact that it was SOOOOO drawn out. Not much happens until the very end of the series, and then it's a pretty silly ending. Pointless. The whole thing could have easily fit into one or two books. But no. We had to listen to Bella whine about the same stuff over and over again. Until, of course, she got absolutely everything she wanted. :-/ Lame. No sacrifice. No thought provoking end. No nothing. I don't mind her becoming a vampire, but it should have been at the cost of her family, mortality, and ability to have babies for that matter...
I loved the first three...New Moon and Eclipse were actually better than the first one in my estimation...but I have no idea how Breaking Dawn could possibly be TWO movies...Nothing really happens in the fourth book...They get married, have sex, baby comes, Bella's a vampire, everyone is out to get them...Not enough a satisfying fight at the end...Lame...
I think I like the middle two books better because they are more about Jacob...yes I am THAT team...he is Bella's friend to the end, but seems "real"...acting at times like an actual teenager...
I will see the movies, but am not expecting much...
I do think Stephenie Meyer is a compelling story teller, even though she is still a "new" author and her writing is often flawed. I really liked THE HOST the best of all her books...
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